

Canadian Railway Strike

Dear Valued Customer,

We would like to provide you some updates for the possible Canadian railway strike. 

Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) voted by majority in favor of the impasse ‘rest period’ for railway workers.  This will cause serious disruption to the Canadian supply chain as over 90% of their agriculture supply chain runs through in-land rail ramp services throughout the country.  

It was discussed since May 1st that more than 9000 Canadian railway workers would be ordered to go on strike as early as May 22nd to enforce the requests being made by the Labor Union, if a consensus is not reached.  The Canadian National (CN) and Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), the country’s 2 main railways, will be hugely impacted by this.    

Seattle-Tacoma Northwest Seaport may also be impacted by this predicament, leading to port congestion issues.  Port of Prince Rupert would also be an alternative to the Port of Vancouver. 

Last year, during the major strike at the Port of Vancouver, a back-log of 52 grain vessels were stalled during that period.

There is another negotiation on May 13rd and we will keep you updated if we have any updated news about it. 

Should you have any questions, please reach out to your in-charge sales or inside sales support.