Dear valued customers,As you know, China have been executed the zero-covid cases policy for a while. Finally, after more than a month of strict lockdown in Shanghai, authorities have begun gradually easing Covid restrictions. There’re some bullet points that we’d like to share and updated to you.Pro...
Dear valued customers,As the pandemic seems spreading across mid-China now, USPTI would like to give you some updates about the major Shanghai and Ningbo ports and we hope this could help you better arrange your cargoes to make sure your supply chain affected as less as possible. Cargo backlog ...
Dear customers,In view of recent serious outbreak of Covid-19 at China, USPTI would like to give you a brief update of current situation. We will keep you posted if any further update.Due to serious outbreak of Covid-19, Shenzhen went into lockdown for 7 days till 3/20/2022. All business were ordere...
Dear valued customers,It’s almost the end of first quarter of 2022 and we believe it’s the time of the year for you to plan your peak season shipment for the rest of the year and keep your supply chain smooth.USPTI would like to update you some of insights about TPEB market and we hope this could he...
Announcing the Launch of our New Website! USPTI is excited to announce the launch of our brand-new website! After months in the works, we are happy to officially share it with all of you.Our main goal in launching this new website is to provide our clients, staff and others with a more intuitiv...
Date: December 6th, 2021Dear valued customers,As we’ve updated you about the market in our last advisory, Labor contract negotiations atWest Coast ports between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the InternationalLongshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) are looming. The current coastwide contr...
Ports of Los Angeles & Long Beach Emergency SurchargeContainer Excess Dwell FeeNovember 3rd, 2021Dear Valued USPTI Customer, Due to terminal congestion, the historic record level of cargo volumes and in an effort to improve cargo movement, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach under the d...
TPEB TRADE OUTLOOKDate: October 22, 2021Dear customers, We expect to see the market demand to be stronger for Trans-Pacific eastbound market toward the end of this quarter due to below reasons. Space and equipment continue to be scarce. We’ve summarized some of the current TPEB market...
Dear valued customers, On 8/11/2021 (Wed), Ningbo terminal had a worker who tested positive for COVID-19 and is raising the specter of a Chinese port meltdown given officials’ aggressive effort to contain the pandemic and pre-existing vessel congestion in Ningbo and nearby Shanghai.If you ship ...
Source from : China-U.S. container shipping rates sail past $20,000 to a record ( POINTSContainer shipping rates from China to the United States have scaled fresh highs above $20,000 per 40-foot box.The acceleration in Delta-variant Covid-19 outbreaks in several counties has slowed globa...
Dear customers, We continue to see a very strong Trans-Pacific eastbound market situation since the first quarter of 2021 to now. Space and equipment continue to be scarce. We’ve summarized some of the current TPEB market updates as below for you. US port congestion is still a pr...
Dear Customers,We are seeing serious port congestions in north America ports, especially for LA/LB, which also affects the vessel schedules unstable recently. Carriers are also filing port congestion surcharges onto the shipment due to these circumstances.Listed below is the most updated list by Ste...
The congestion and COVID issues at Yantian.
Please be advised USPTI has officially received our Taiwan business license effective May 6,2021.USPTI will officially open our USPTI Taiwan office on May 14.2021.Our office address is:USPTI Taiwan , Inc.10F, NO, 289 SEC 4, Zhongxiao E. Rd.Da An Dist. Taipei City 106450, TaiwanT : 886-2-27789770F :...
Dear Client, We are facing a critical time in our industry that has not been experienced for years and it is making it very challenging in regards to the effect on all supply chains. See the below information: Equipment shortages in China are being experienced. Carriers are doin...
Dear Valued Customer; The Trans -Pacific import market remains extremely strong with cargo volume exceeding vessel and container supply. Although West Coast demand continues to exceed supply, the East Coast demand far exceeds the East Coast supply.Blank sailings, terminal congestions coupl...
Dear Valued Client, We continue to see a very strong market thru the first quarter of 2021 and beyond. Space, and equipment continue to be scarce due to strong demand up to and immediately after Chinese New Year. It appeared that there will not be a slow season and the strong c...
Dear Valued Client The extremely strong trading condition, with container volume exceeding available supply, is forecasted to remain strong through Chinese New Year. Equipment shortage throughout Asia will continue to impact the ability to secure equipment necessary for booking. ...
Dear Valued USPTI Customers ONE Line Apus Update Incident Update and Market Impact ONE Apus is now confirmed to be safely berthed in the Port of Kobe after losing 1,816 containers overboard when it encountered severe weather on Monday, November 30, 2020. A full safety inspection...
Dear Valued Client; Thank you for your support during these difficult times. The past six months have been challenging due to the uncertainties created by the CoVid 19 pandemic. Demand for container space has outpaced container capacity and has created unprecedented increases in ocean frei...